Medical Check-up
For Stipendium Hungaricum Scholars​
Stipendium Hungaricum Students do not need to provide an additional Medical Certificate.
The Mandatory Medical Certificate uploaded to the Online Scholarship Application System will be accepted!
Please bring along the original document together with the medical and/or laboratory results!
General Information
You will find below important information about the medical check-up procedure and requirements of the University of Debrecen.
Please note that the general vaccination rules (concerning COVID vaccination, please check our Freshman Info site) and the obligatory medical check-ups are regulated by the Hungarian law and the University of Debrecen.
According to the Regulations of the Hungarian Government and on the basis of the decision of the University of Debrecen, all students have to go through a medical check-up upon arrival.
Please note that students on medical and health sciences programs are required to have regular medical examinations during their studies to prove their health aptitude as certain chronic or recurring diseases and conditions may interfere with patient care or safety and may be incompatible with medical training or practice.
Please note that students on medical and health sciences programs cannot register for the subsequent semester and cannot start their practice without an up-to date and official medical certification.
Official medical certifications can be provided only if the student has completed every part of the required test!
Medical Check-up Procedure
Step 1 - Before you arrive to Hungary
Please bring the following documents with you (all should be in English!):
1.1. Medical Certificate (Download Template)
This should be filled out, signed, and stamped by a registered doctor. You must present the document at registration.
Please attach the required results as well.
1.2. Health Questionnaire (Download Template)
Please fill it out by yourself, print it and sign it. You must present the document at registration.
In case you have any chronic diseases, please bring with you all your Hospital/Outpatient/Primary Care medical reports, discharge letters, outpatient letters, list of medications etc. in English.
1.3. International Childhood Vaccination Booklet or Vaccination Report
You must present the document at registration.
Missing examinations, investigations or vaccinations can/will be completed at the International Occupational Health Service of the UD. Any additional cost incurred might be born by the student.
Step 2 - At registration
Please present all the documents listed at Step 1!
At registration, you will be provided a Check-list, that contains the exact time and date of your first appointment.
Step 3 - Visit the GP’s Office
Review of medical documentations by the Occupational Health Specialists
Receiving appointment for further examinations (if needed)
Step 4 - Additional examinations (if needed)
Step 5 - Return to the GP's Office to receive and discuss results
IMPORTANT: To all medical examinations bring your passport and the Check-list with you!
During your studies
You must undergo regular physical examinations and health check-ups with Occupational Health Specialists of the UD, which depends on the subject you study and you will be notified by the Coordinating Center for International Education.
Special Regulations:
All tests will be taken at the Clinical Departments of the University of Debrecen.
No other provider’s medical test results will be accepted.
In case the cost of the examination has to be paid by the student, it must be paid in advance.
Charge for replacement of lost check-list: 5,000 HUF. Charge for missed scheduled appointment: 5,000 HUF/new appointment.
Clinical practices can only be started with a valid medical clearance.
Click here to download the instructions and regulations in PDF